Med in Art

“Trust Me, I’m an Artist: Towards an Ethics of Art and Science Collaboration”: the new book by Anna Dumitriu and Bobbie Farsides

Category : Bio-art, Books

“Trust Me, I’m an Artist: Towards an Ethics of Art and Science Collaboration” is a new book by Anna Dumitriu and Bobbie Farsides which investigates novel ethical issues arising through art and science collaboration and considers the roles and responsibilities of the artists, scientists and institutions involved.

The book features projects by Adam Zaretsky, Neal White (cover image), Anna Dumitriu and Art Orienté objet (Marion Laval-Jeantet and Benoit Mangin) .

Buy the hardback or paperpack on, alternatively buy the e-book on Blurb or in the Apple iBooks store immediately for just £7.99.

For more info about the book, check here.


Anna Dumitriu is an artist whose work blurs the boundaries between art and science with a strong interest in microbiology and the ethical issues raised by emerging technologies. Her installations, interventions and performances use a range of digital, biological and traditional media including live bacteria, robotics, interactive technologies, and textiles.


book cover